The best accessories for the new Nintendo Console Switch

You come back from the store after buying the latest Nintendo console, the Switch? Go home and complete your set-up by controlling these essential accessories for your new console.

The Best Accessories For The New Nintendo Console Switch

The new Nintendo console, the Switch, is an all-in-one console giving you a gaming experience as the games console but also as a portable console, and that with a single device. Unfortunately it does not mean that the Nintendo Switch, fresh out of an original case, has all it takes to make you enjoy a complete gaming experience.

As with any other consoles, Nintendo Switch lack of some essential accessories that you will have even more fun and that will allow for downloading and storing more games. Also Joy small-Con shifters are probably not the best way to play all the biggest games, like the last Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild (available on Amazon).

You own or buy soon the Switch? Here is all you should definitely you obtain or add to your shopping list!

Screen Protective Filter Nintendo Switch – Protect your screen and remove cover

The Best Accessories For The New Nintendo Console Switch

There is no need to write a keypad to tell you this, GET OUT COVER! And it is entirely valid with the screen Nintendo Switch! Protect your screen is essential that you replace when it’s all scratched? That’s right, nobody. So few euros spent on a hundred euro saved, it’s worth rather instantly. With a perfect application, guaranteed free of dust, bubbles, especially without frustration if you scratch. This is of course made in Japan, and is officially licensed by Nintendo. Hurry up, they go like hotcakes.

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